Saturday, December 29, 2012

On Febuary 14, 1967 I came home from school to find my mother fighting for her life in the middle of the floor. She had just been shot by my father. The day started out as a pretty ordinary day, the sun was shining and I was relatively happy for a 8 year old girl. My Mom and Dad had their share of problems and they were at the time seperated. I loved my Dad and I was pretty much a Daddy's girl.

I hadn't seen my Dad in a while so when I came home that day I saw his car in the driveway and it made me very happy, so I begin to skip in anticipation of seeing him. As I got closer to the house he ran out and jumped in his car. I called out to him but he sped away. Disappointed that he didn't even speak to me, I walked in the house and that's when I saw my Mother bleeding on the floor.

Thankfully she did survive but that was the last time I skipped. That was 45 years ago, I use to love to skip, over the years I would see little girls skipping and it would tug on my heart strings because to me it was a sign of happiness. It's been so long I forgot how to skip, that is the reason why I started this blog.

Do you have any significant life altering events that have caused you to loose your skip? Or a memorable thing that you loved to do but the traumatic event has caused you to be crippled in some way? Please post it I would love to hear about it, only clean language please.

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